MLA / MAPR & Payment Obligation Disclosure
and Online MAPR Calculator for
Financial Institutions

In an effort to help you understand the new guidelines regarding the MLA and MAPR requirements we have found the following information that may be very useful for you and your loan officers. You can pass this information along to whomever you think can use it.

For Credit Unions and other Financial Institutions:

We strongly recommend downloading and reading and having your loan officers read the following from the NCUA regarding Complying with Recent Changes to the Military Lending Act Regulation. This is in order to make sure that you are following the guidelines of the MLA as per the NCUA for covered borrowers.

Complying with Recent Changes to the Military Lending Act Regulation

Interpretive Guidance on Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents

Compliance: Should CUs check status of every applicant?

Compliance: When to disclose MAPR to MLA borrowers

Compliance: Does MLA apply if active duty status changes?

Military Lending Act: It Applies to More Products Than You Think


Federal Register Links for everyone:

7/22/2015 - Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents

8/26/16 - Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents

12/14/2017 - Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents

Chart of Required Fees

A FACT Sheet that was derived from several sources online.

We also recommend having all of your Loan Documents and loan policy reviewed by a legal source to ensure that they are compliant with the new MLA regulations Below is the Military website that you can use to verify a covered member as per the new regulations. According to the regulations you cannot just simply ask the borrowers if they are active military. You must use one of two sources, either the following website in which case you will need the borrowers Full Name, Birthdate and SSN, or you can get the information from the credit bureau reports. We recommend that you document this verification method on some form that you keep with your loan document records. For example, you might consider adding a field: MLA Covered (Yes/No) on your Loan App and if yes, document the date verified and what source: Credit Bureau or MLA Website. We would recommend having these fields programmed into your LOS and a link provided to the website below for verification purposes.

When you put the information into this website you will automatically get a popup to save a PDF document. You need to save this document and then open it. We strongly recommend that you create a folder on your network (IE: MLA-VERIFIED), that contains these PDF documents that is secured for only those that need access to them and save these PDFs in that folder. We recommend that you save these documents in that folder for future access. You can use any naming convention that you deem suitable, but we recommend something like: AppNum-YYYYMMDD-MLA.pdf.

NOTE: All information provided herein is provided for your informational purposes only and is not warranted. Compliance with the MLA is the sole responsibility of your Institution and its employees.



The Military Lending Act - MLA / Military Annual Percentage Rate - MAPR service is provided without warranty by Internet Computing Solutions, LLC., located in Greenwood, IN, 46143, 317-886-8528, toll-free: 855-411-8528, fax-free: 866-571-0372

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